Every Voice, Every Dollar Matters
The casino industry and Big Tobacco have deep pockets, but we have something more powerful: people like you! Your gift ensures that we can continue to advocate with casino workers and to respond to calls from people facing secondhand smoke exposure in their homes. Truly, a gift of any amount makes a difference, but a $50-100 annual donation ensures that we can count you as an ANR member. Even better, gift it to us in small monthly amounts—$10/month = big help for us! Or, give a one-time gift—it's up to you. Members receive our printed newsletter, UPDATE, our monthly ebulletin, and our optional daily secondhand smoke news summaries and weekly research citations.
ANR is a 501 (c)(4) lobbying organization; donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible contribution, visit: ANRF If you work in public health, sign up for Professional Access: Purchase Here
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